The RLC Academic Experience

Accessing the core curriculum through meaningful engagement with each other and our world

by Jessica Sheppard, Assistant Head of School, Academics

From its founding in 1967, Rosseau Lake College has always sought to transcend the traditional, to ensure that education is not something that is delivered to students, but a process in which they are engaged, active, liberated individuals. Community, environment, and self-discovery were in 1967—and remain today—key pillars of the RLC experience. As our students venture out on fall outtrips this week, they are taking the first steps—or perhaps, more accurately, the first paddle strokes—on a learning journey where they are all known and valued members of a close-knit, family-style community; where education of, for, and in the outdoors is the norm, regardless of subject area; where traditional indigenous ways of knowing are explored and embedded in the school experience; and where their interests, aspirations, and the amazing things they're already doing can be interwoven with academics in meaningful, authentic ways.

Here are some aspects of the RLC academic experience to look forward to this year:

  • Outdoor education in all seasons: At RLC, all students take outdoor education all year. Beginning with the outtrips, and with additional opportunities for winter and spring expeditions, students spend the year developing a range of outdoor and environmental knowledge and skills, and applying them to their life experiences and other courses of study.
  • Flexible Wednesday afternoon programming: Wednesday afternoons at RLC are academic, but not in a traditional way. Sure, some Wednesday afternoons are dedicated to in-class learning. But they are also used for cross-curricular initiatives, community celebrations, indigenous learning, artistic performances, and inquiry projects, all intentionally chosen to interweave with students' courses.
  • Co-curriculars that are integrated with, and enhance, the academic experience: Every student at RLC participates in co-curriculars all year. The co-curricular program offers active, creative, and service experiences, and many opportunities to practice, apply, and extend subject learning beyond the classroom.
  • An intensive May Term block: We wrap up our semestered courses at the end of April, and all students study one subject area, in depth, during the month of May. These intensive blocks allow for a deep dive into subject matter through experiential and flow state learning, workshops with experts, field trips, and—in some cases—multi-day travel experiences.
  • Opportunities for enrichment and support: RLC students have a range of opportunities for enrichment and support at their fingertips. From biweekly Monday/Thursday mentor meetings, to Friday study hall, to evening study, there are ample scheduled times when students can connect with teachers and ensure that they are on track toward their learning goals. Of course, students are also welcome to liaise with teachers to arrange additional support opportunities, if desired.

Surely, it will be another exciting and fulfilling year at RLC. If, at any time, you have questions about our academic program, please don't hesitate to contact me.