Thank a teacher

Thanks to the Parent Guild Fundraising Committee, you can thank any Rosseau Lake College staff member with a gift to the Thank a Teacher fund. The gift can be made in honour of any current faculty or staff member(s). You might choose to honour a teacher, operations staff, or perhaps members of the boarding life team who have worked closely with your child this fall.

Your personal message will be forwarded to the staff member. Include the name of the person you'd like to honour, as well as a message for them in the "leave a comment" field on the form below.

Your gift will support staff appreciation evening held in the new Recreation Centre and catered by Crossroads Restaurant. You will receive a taxable gift receipt for your contribution.


I find RLC to be incredibly progressive and adaptable. They are focused on developing kids for a future that we can’t see yet and I think that is probably the biggest reason why we sent our daughter there, because we wanted her to be ready for anything. I want my child to be adaptable and resilient and ready for what comes in the future. RLC has that same philosophy and that is why we love it so much.

– Casey Erin Wood